Tuesday 09.09.2008
Today was a more After Effects based workshop.
I ate fish again today, but this time I cooked it a little bit longer and it wasn't that disgusting anymore.
I also got an assignemnt which says I have to make a clip with After Effects about nature.
This is the result: www.t-low.biz/bugger.avi
The biggest problem was the "th" in "this is STV nature".
What I've learned today:
Cook the fish on a lower degree for a longer time.
Today was a more After Effects based workshop.
I ate fish again today, but this time I cooked it a little bit longer and it wasn't that disgusting anymore.
I also got an assignemnt which says I have to make a clip with After Effects about nature.
This is the result: www.t-low.biz/bugger.avi
The biggest problem was the "th" in "this is STV nature".
What I've learned today:
Cook the fish on a lower degree for a longer time.